[Asterisk-Dev] PHP AGI - seems to ignore anything but EXEC

Steven Critchfield critch at basesys.com
Mon May 10 09:08:22 MST 2004

On Sun, 2004-05-09 at 22:41, Terence Parker wrote:
> Ahh.... you could be right there - I wasn't reading the result of most of my
> commands.

You must ALWAYS read the result back from the STDIN. Else when you get
around to reading you are out of sync with the return values. This could
also explain why you don't get an expected result when you finally get
to looking at the returns.

> Still one question though (sorry to drag this thread our further) - the
> function from Paul now works... I can send "SAY DIGITS" and get it to say
> them without issuing an Exec SayDigits instead. However, I still can't get
> "WAIT FOR DIGIT 3000" to work.
> Is there a proper way of using this? I am under the assumption that this
> automatically pauses for the 3 seconds to wait for the digit - or do I
> separately have to issue a wait command? When I tried simply WAIT FOR DIGIT
> it doesn't wait at all and just progresses to the next line in the script.
> So, with my next line reading out the result, it would always read out 200.

Steven Critchfield <critch at basesys.com>

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