[Asterisk-Dev] Like a Heartbeat for *

CW_ASN cw_asn at fibertel.com.ar
Mon Sep 15 04:39:22 MST 2003

> I think Mark is pretty full at the moment with other tasks.  I
> suspect strongly that this won't go very far without some other
> C-skilled person taking the flag and going somewhere with it, at
> least writing a document as to what and how things would be
> monitored.  Mark would obviously be involved heavily in it, but what
> you're talking about is an extremely large-scale set of patches and
> associated testing.
We are soldiers! First at all, we need to know where the flags is. Then, no
problem, we fight. :)
> Plus, are there BSD-licensed SNMP libraries?  (I don't remember if
> the CMU/Net-SNMP stuff is or not.)  Recall that anything going into *
> must be disclaimed or licensed in such a way that it is public domain.
> Alternately, if this is a worthwhile enough set of ideas, and you all
> have $$$ floating around because of all the dough you saved
> implementing Asterisk instead of proprietary systems, you might
> consider all putting your cash towards paying someone to implement
> it.  (Not me: I'm C-ignorant.)
I'm thinking to do this with other special features. But... is this a
special feature?
> I'm not being snippy or anything: I'm just being realistic. There are
> lots of great ideas that can/should/could/might be done with
> Asterisk, but even the trivial feature additions are now starting to
> take a while to show up.  Put your money where your mouth is, and
> maybe with the combined investment something might get done.  I would
> love to have some measurable stats out of Asterisk, and I'd be
> willing to throw a few bucks towards the effort.
> JT
We only discussing the need. If we agree with that, is posible to make a
collect (or something) to pay for this effort.
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