[asterisk-biz] ANI

Steve Totaro stotaro at totarotechnologies.com
Mon May 12 17:22:14 CDT 2008

Setting up a drone Asterisk box to take hundreds of thousands of FTP
.call files at 3AM (by each time zone) and play pro Hillary Clinton
campaign messages (or whoever you don't like), obviously spoofing
her/his campaign headquarters caller ID and ANI.

Obtaining a new credit card from someone's mailbox with the sticker to
call from your home phone to activate the card.  Spoof their Caller ID
and ANI, activate, and buy some cool gadgets or whatever people do
with cards that don't belong to them.

Setting CallerID/ANI to clients', girlfriends', bosses' cell phone and
call until voicemail picks up, if no PIN is set, I have full control
of their voicemail (and could possibly call out, I will have to test
that with the call back option.  Then someone could really have some
fun depending on what messages they have saved)

So many exploits.....

Steve Totaro

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