[asterisk-biz] Pulver media in trouble ?

randulo spamsucks2005 at gmail.com
Mon Apr 7 02:05:18 CDT 2008

Regarding Pulver Media, I just spoke to someone close to Jeff Pulver
who tells me a statement is expected soon. I know that VON was called
Video on the Net the last time I saw it in print and wasn't about VoIP

I went to two Astricons (in Europe) and I don't recall seeing Pulver
media at either one. Jeff Pulver's latest project is
primetimererun.com which allows you to watch popular tv shows on a
browser. Works great, too by the way. Nothing to do with Astricon or
Pulver Media though.

Within this community I think the service we can be happy for is FWD
because so many people have tested asterisk using it and some even
came to installing asterisk by starting with FWD and getting hooked.
That's what happend to me.


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