[asterisk-biz] Recent REMOTE CRASH BUG

Kevin P. Fleming kpfleming at digium.com
Sat Mar 3 14:07:21 MST 2007

Matt wrote:
> EXACTLY MY POINT!!!   There shouldn't be that many bugs.   Look at QMail
> for an example of ONE PERSON who is writing software that is secure and
> bug free as well as free and open source.

And how much functionality was added to that project over the same
period of time? How many new endpoints is the software having to be made
compatible with as they appear (and get buggy firmware updates, etc.)?

If you want thoroughly tested bug-free versions of Asterisk, then you
need to be willing to compensate someone to create them for you.
Digium's team spends a great deal of time doing just that, along with
running our business, merging contributions from the community, creating
new functionality on our own, etc. but there are limits to what any
small team of people can do. Keep in mind also that Asterisk has only
been an officially released product for just over two years; I believe
if you look back at QMail's track record (or any FOSS project's track
record) over its first two years of public usage you'll find that 'bumps
in the road' are par for the course.

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