[asterisk-biz] Re: Verizon Interconnection

Mitul Limbani mitul at enterux.com
Sun Jun 10 21:52:01 MST 2007

Quoting alex at pilosoft.com:

> On Sun, 10 Jun 2007, Al Bochter wrote:
>> Alex or "The know it alls"
>> Are you saying that you know everything?
>> If anyone thinks that they do then that person has no need to be on the
>> list. This list is to learn from others so if you know everything about
>> asterisk you can't learn any more.
> Al,
> Sorry to say, asterisk-biz is full of children running 'wholesale voip
> providers' without a tiny bit of a clue, as well as other children running
> 'retail voip providers' with same level of clue who buy from them. As
> result, the level of reckless cluelessness on the list is astounding.
> You can't expect people who *know* things to "patiently discuss" things
> with people who don't know anything. In other words put a professor with a
> 3rd grader - you can't have a discussion. There are clear facts which
> aren't up for discussion.
>> So why would the "Know It All" stay?
> I consider calling clueless people out a public service.
> -alex

Well, this aint a developer list where one can expect the users to 
know-it-all, so i think you are at the wrong place yelling for the 
right people.

In any case, you cant show your superiorness by degrading or insulting 
others, this itself shows your level of social responsibility.

Thanks & Regards,
Mitul Limbani,
Founder & CEO,
Enterux Solutions,
The Enterprise Linux Company (TM),

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