[asterisk-biz] Asterisk GUI

Zoa zoachien at securax.org
Sat Jan 14 01:12:48 MST 2006

Hehe, its normal to hate the operator panel :) I've never used it myself 
either. It has some nasty bugs, and is still the first version ever 
released. (and we didnt spend a minute on it since we released it).

When we have some time we will make it the way it should be.  (for now 
all resources go to other projects soon to be announced :)


Saul Diaz wrote:

> Ok.  I never expect that my small screenshot will cause this big fuzz.
> Let me said first that we love the Thirdlane and the Switchvox GUI.
> The idea of our manager was take out the web server from the asterisk 
> from the beginning, we replace that with an asterisk manage proxy 
> (daemon), but we also needs that for listening the recordings (but we 
> can use a mini httpd for this).
> Astlinux use Astmanproxy for example and works fine with Pbxware. We 
> try our manager with Astlinux and Astmanproxy and works fine. We don’t 
> think that we are yet at the same level than the thirdlane and the 
> switchvox in configuration matters but for monitoring definitely we 
> are well prepare for any battle… We can monitor the status of a phone 
> and we known in realtime when the phone have a problem, get reset, or 
> simply lost the registration, we can see the activity of an asterisk 
> server without even go to the asterisk, and like switchbox we can 
> monitor the cpu utilization and soon memory, and even network 
> utilization. Making my product better for a call center administration 
> than a pbx or a calling card solution, we are also almost 100% 
> compatible with astcc.
> Zoa by the way we also love your astertest, keep the good work in 
> asteriskguru, but sorry we hate your operator panel J.
> We test our manager in a 300 seat with a predictive dialer (no 
> asterisk) running with about 250 - 300 simultaneous calls.
> For the asterisk 1.2.X you don't need connection to the db server. You 
> can do a few things that allow you to avoid that, b/c after all, 
> asterisk is already connected to the db server if u are using 
> real-time. We are addressing that, for the moment we work with 
> Mysql-Realtime.
> Every of then have his pro and his cons, in our system as soon I set 
> the realtime. I don’t need to do anything b/c the rest is done by the 
> manager, making the life very easy for our customers.
> The majority of this things are very hard to do in a web admin not 
> matter how friendly the admin is
> Regards
> Saul
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