[asterisk-biz] Asterisk GUI

trixter aka Bret McDanel trixter at 0xdecafbad.com
Fri Jan 13 21:39:48 MST 2006

On Sat, 2006-01-14 at 02:05 +0200, Zoa wrote:
> The resources taken up by apache or the mysql are as good as non 
> existant (especially as it will be idling most of the time), as long as 
> you don't do big queries (e.g. a search for a certain CDR). And if you 
> do big queries it doesn't matter if there is 1 call or 100 calls going 
> on. (they will aaaall gooo doooown toooogether....:-).

Generally I agree that if you arent really using the software then that
software will have no effect, however that depends on how its used,
which is why I qualified my statements the way I did.  I for example use
mysql to hold about 500k routes which is consulted for every call made.
I would not recommend someone running that on the same system as
asterisk unless its a really low volume server.  That query isnt that
unfriendly one or two at a time, but when you start calling stuff from
all over it can become unfriendly in quantity.  I have seen other stuff
that is far worse.

> Yes, apache might crash and might take up all resources. (But how often 
> did you see that happen on a server with a configuration tool that is 
> used once, and then left alone most of the time ?)

That also assumes that apache doesnt have security problems, which isnt
a guarantee given that there have been problems with apache itself,
addon modules commonly shipped, or with scripts (like php) that are
called.  Having it there can lead to compromising situations, however if
you filter it so only your admin group of ips can connect you have kept
the kids away, although a lot of firewalls can be tricked into letting
traffic through they otherwise are told to reject.  If you run something
on a production server that is exposed to the internet it should be kept
up with security patches not just firewall and forget.

Trixter http://www.0xdecafbad.com     Bret McDanel
UK +44 870 340 4605   Germany +49 801 777 555 3402
US +1 360 207 0479 or +1 516 687 5200
FreeWorldDialup: 635378
http://www.sacaug.org/ Sacramento Asterisk Users Group
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