[Asterisk-biz] 1500 really cheap working did's needed - long term

Rehan Ahmed AllahWala - Super Technologies I rehan at supertec.com
Thu Sep 15 16:22:02 MST 2005


We are seeking 1500 really cheap did numbers, for giving away for free to every 
didx member.

We have at this time 900 members, and growing rapidly, and we want to use these 
did's for interop testing purposes.

If any one wants to sell please contact me, and let me know your pricing.

Codec: g711
Protocol: sip or iax2
Price : under 25 cents a did
qty 1500
Payment net 45

RehanSuper Technologies Inc., Pensacola, Florida
http://www.supertec.com - Technologies from tomorrow, TODAY!
http://www.VirtualPhoneLine.com - Get A US, UK, EU Number, Forward it to
any  number in the world instantly.
http://www.PhoneOpia.com - SIP Based OPEN Phone Services.
http://www.MySuperPhone.com - The NEXT Generation of Telephone.
Http://www.ip-pabx.com - One World, One Number, One Pabx, All Hosted.
Http://www.superPBX.net - One World, One Number, One Pabx, Physical.
http://www.didX.org - We will sell all your DID stock for you.

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