[Asterisk-biz] alternative to efax needed

Paul digium-list at 9ux.com
Sat Sep 10 11:33:33 MST 2005

First impression I got is that they are somewhat technically challenged:

I browsed to http://myfax.com/ and was greeted with Bad Request (Invalid 

If the default IP for the domain was pointed to a server running apache2 
they could easily fix this regardless of what software runs the www:

<VirtualHost *>
ServerName myfax.com
RedirectMatch (.*) http://www.myfax.com/

I know that the webserver they use(I can't say the name without wanting 
to puke) can be configured to handle this. I also know that it can also 
be handled with a simple web page:

<META HTTP-EQUIV="Refresh" CONTENT="0 ; URL=http://www.myfax.com/">
<A href="http://www.myfax.com">
Click here to go to the correct page

Once I went to the www I found nothing else that impressed me.

Kevin Sexton wrote:

>Another is MyFax.com.
>I too got an unbelievable amount of fax spam with eFax.
>>The only good thing I can possibly say about efax support is that it is
>>so kind of them to hire so many mentally challenged folks.
>>I have had a $12.95/month number with them for a few years. I get less
>>than 25 faxes per month and about half of them are junk faxes. I used
>>the send feature a few times but a few months ago it stopped working
>>with firefox/linux so I just went ahead and plugged my hp all-in-one
>>into a phone line for sending.
>>Anyway, I recently logged into the account and changed the credit card
>>on file. Because the outgoing prepay balance was below $2 they attempted
>>to charge the card $10. I kindly asked them if they could just credit my
>>usage balance 60 cents to make it $2.10 since I have no intention of
>>ever using them for sending again. The result of this is a few emails
>>explaining what I already know about the $2 threshhold triggering a $10
>>charge. My messages to them have simply stated that if they won't credit
>>me 60 cents I will cancel the service entirely.
>>Anybody here offering good alternatives to efax/j2? Note that local DID
>>is no longer much of a feature since nobody in US48 should be paying
>>nore than 4c these days. Security is important. The simplest
>>implementation I can think of is to only send notification email and let
>>the subscriber pick up the file via https. I actually think that
>>approach is best for SOHO voip-ers. I have seen call quality degrade
>>while emails with large attachments are arriving.
>>There are several other things I can suggest if anybody here is serious
>>about getting into this market. I setup hylafax without problems over 4
>>years ago. I had no problem getting it so email the faxes as a pdf
>>attachment. The only reason I did not use it for production is that even
>>with my centrex contract it did not make sense to dedicate a line for a
>>dozen faxes per month. I believe the market for this type of service
>>improves as fax usage declines.
>>Asterisk-Biz mailing list
>>Asterisk-Biz at lists.digium.com

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