[Asterisk-biz] Re: some things that really suck in customer support

Herman Webley herman.webley at blitzllc.com
Sun Nov 6 19:04:34 MST 2005

> I have to agree...  Jeremy has on more than one occassion personally spent 
> several *hours* with me tracking down IAX2 bugs. My complaints here were more 
> a general "the average nufone user won't get this kind of support." type of 
> complaints.
> Nufone has always been a "for the technically ept" provider, but they are 
> offering service to the average user too, and I'm trying to help them achieve 
> superior customer service and image in addition to their technically superior 
> service.
> -A.

I'm a Nufone customer. I'm probably one of their smallest customers.
I've never called them. I have however emailed them on several occasions
and have always gotten quick responses that were actually useful.


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