[Asterisk-biz] Re: some things that really suck in customer support

Bill Michaelson bill at cosi.com
Mon Nov 7 05:47:20 MST 2005

This doesn't surprise me - I've suspected that this is the case.  I've 
also suspected that such attention is obtained at Jeremy's whim.  I 
would not entrust a critical business function to a person who might 
have a capricious and mercurial personality.

Andrew Kohlsmith wrote:

>On Sunday 06 November 2005 17:32, Justin Newman wrote:
>>Despite their growing pains, I have actually found Jeremy and his team try
>>harder than most. They should however add some kind of business priority
>I have to agree...  Jeremy has on more than one occassion personally spent 
>several *hours* with me tracking down IAX2 bugs. My complaints here were more 
>a general "the average nufone user won't get this kind of support." type of 
>Nufone has always been a "for the technically ept" provider, but they are 
>offering service to the average user too, and I'm trying to help them achieve 
>superior customer service and image in addition to their technically superior 
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