[Asterisk-biz] Large volume inbound US provider request

alex at pilosoft.com alex at pilosoft.com
Thu Jul 21 05:09:34 MST 2005

On Thu, 21 Jul 2005, trixter http://www.0xdecafbad.com wrote:

> Yeah that is why AT&T filed in montana in 2004 to get qwests changed
> from 4 cents to something lower (but still over 2 cents).  Why in
> nebraska it can be over 14 cents a minute for local (largely structured
> to screw qwest).  Why iowa I believe has no caps on it and SBC signs
> agreements saying "you cant charge more than we do" and stupid CLECs
> agree and dont read that clause (nor do their lawyers) and when they
> wanted 4 cents a minute they only get 2 cents and it works out to a huge
> difference to them later on (one specific 2005 case was $200k for one
> month difference).
You are on crack.


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