[Asterisk-biz] Small / embedded system recommendations

Ron Arts ron.arts at neonova.nl
Mon Dec 12 02:05:27 MST 2005

trixter aka Bret McDanel wrote:
> On Mon, 2005-12-12 at 00:40 -0800, trixter aka Bret McDanel wrote:
>>If you get the gpled version of mysql all the gpl rules are in place and
>>no more.  They cant legally enforce some of what they claim they can
>>because to do so violates the very license they issue with (the gpl).
> we were discussing this issue on irc and came to this conclusion if you
> are truely worried about their commercial license.
> fork mysql gpl to OurSQL (Thanks Ben) which is also gpl but doesnt have
> any claims of a commercial license.  Pure gpl no other issues.  The code
> can be 100% identical but a sec -e s/My/Our/g might be handy :) 
> Then everyone can have something compatible that isnt in any way
> commercially licensed and would be valid under the terms of the gpl :)
> Nice simple and easy work around.  As much as I personally dislike the
> gpl I dislike people who choose the gpl and then do not follow it
> themselves but insist everyone else should.

Well, IANAL but I think this has not been tested in court, and there
is no way you can be sure you can get away with it.
Being devil's advocate I could make a case this is just plain fraud.

In any case, I would not want to become a testcase for this in court
with our products.


NeoNova BV, The Netherlands
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