[Asterisk-biz] DID is a mission critical issue raised by C. Hatton Humphrey "Where did my DIDs go?"

alex at pilosoft.com alex at pilosoft.com
Tue Aug 23 08:51:17 MST 2005

On Tue, 23 Aug 2005, smbPBX wrote:

> In my opinion, the DID decison is much more critical than chossing a
> termination provider. One can have multiple termination providers
> configured in their PBX, so that if one is unavailable, the call can be
> terminated using another route. But one CANNOT have multiple DID
> providers.
Very much correct.

> 1. I assume that only CLECS and ILECS can own the DID numbers in a
> particular US state. (International DID ownership raises even more
> questions since many service providers (resellers) are now offering
> international DIDs).
> 2. Who is ultimatley responsible for LNP - the "current DID owner" or
> the "future DID owner".
Both. Current LEC who has the number must put in order to release it, and 
"New" one has to put 

> 3. Is their any regulation about what happens to the DID number if the
> service provider (reseller), or even the CLEC, goes belly up.
Each state PUC has regulations about what happens when CLEC goes belly up.

> 4. Does the LNP regulation offer any recourse and damages to the end
> user?
Not to my knowledge.

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