[Asterisk-biz] Fwd: Where did my DID's go??

dbruce dbruce at bananatel.com
Mon Aug 22 18:51:30 MST 2005

A) It happens far too often
B) Call your new provider and have them add routing information to the
routing database... if there tech support/repair department is not helpful,
escalate the issue by calling the business office... speak to a sales
manager or operations manager... someone who will be motivated to actually
get the work done rather than wait for the LNP notification.
C) No

Your new provider is the ONLY entity that can resolve this issue for you.

The message that your callers are getting is provider specific... they pick
up the phone, dial the number, and thier provider tries to rout the call...
finds out it is unroutable, and diverts the message to a recording. If you
call the number in question from a sprint line, you get a sprint
recording... if you call it from a SBC line, you get an SBC recording... you
get the picture... Tracing the provider of the "can not be completed"
announcement will be of absolutely no use.


----- Original Message -----
From: "C. Hatton Humphrey" <chumphrey at gmail.com>
To: "Commercial and Business-Oriented Asterisk Discussion"
<asterisk-biz at lists.digium.com>
Sent: Monday, August 22, 2005 6:52 PM
Subject: [Asterisk-biz] Fwd: Where did my DID's go??

I asked this question on the "non-commercial" Asterisk list and
understand the technical ramifications of what has happened - my DIDs
are "floating" until my new carrier gets the hint and starts routing
the numbers... here's my original post:

Okay, first a little background - I've been with Packet8 (VO) since a
month after they started (offering Virtual Office).  I found that we
were outgrowing their services and decided to move to an asterisk box
in the office.  I found a service provider that offered me a
reasonable rate.  After a fair ammount of testing I decided to stick
with their services and port my 3 primary DID's from Packet8 to the
new service.

Well, I guess the porting request got approved... but not completed.
Now when I call any of my DID's I get a message that says:

"Your Call Cannot Be Completed as Dialed ISUP0056115 Announcement 24"

Packet8 is claiming ignorance and says that the numbers must have
ported to the new carrier.  The new carrier has checked their incoming
port queue and says they don't see the numbers listed.
My guess is that the "third party" that transfers the numbers from old
to new carrier has the numbers somewhere in limbo but as of this point
I have no frelling clue where that might be... is there a way to
translate that message I'm getting to find out what nimrod company I
need to call and get my DID's pointed to the correct account???

Now for the business questions:

A. How often does something like this happen?
B. Is there any recourse for me or my office mates to take at this
time?  We've lost all incoming calls since last Thursday which has
caused a HUGE negative impact for one of my office mates - an
insurance agent for a number of different companies.
C. Other than pestering the crap out of my new phone company is there
any line of communication that I can open to get this situation

I'm beyond pissed about this... to the point of dejection and loating.

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