FW: [Dundi] DUNDi popularity

Florian Overkamp florian at speakup.nl
Thu Oct 12 12:56:54 MST 2006

Michael Richardson wrote:
>     Florian> If a binding contract covers the obligation, and you are in
>     Florian> a ring of trust, do you require technical coverage of the
>     Florian> issue as well ?
>   I translate this to:
>     If everyone is nice to each other, and follows the rules, there
>     is no problem.  
>     Which I agree with, and this is why DUNDi is definitely useful
>     for quite a number of situations.
>   The problem is that this kind of trust does not scale to very large
> groups. 

Agreed. On the other hand third party trust issues have been delt with 
by using no other means than legal documents all the time in classical 
telco surroundings. So the question is - in what timeframe do we want 
this changed ? :)

Met vriendelijke groet,

Florian Overkamp
SpeakUp BV
T: 088-SPEAKUP (088-7732587)
T: 053-4305842

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