[asterisk-users] IPv4 address in SDP o= is (null) when configured for NAT using pjsip

Brian J. Murrell brian at interlinx.bc.ca
Sat Sep 21 15:19:19 CDT 2019

Using Asteirsk 13.28.1:

If I configure my pjsip transport to handle NAT from the Internet:

external_media_address=[external address redacted]
external_signaling_address=[external address redacted]

When a call comes from a TCP registered SIP client on the Internet,
Asterisk is setting the IPv4 address in the "o=" and "c=" lines of the
SDP ICE payload to "(null)":

o=- 3654 548 IN IP4 (null)
c=IN IP4 (null)

IPv4 addresses in all of the a= lines are still correct.

This "(null)" of course causes the caller to fail to complete the call.

Is there something more I have to do to have Asterisk/pjsip properly
set the IPv4 address in the SDP ICE payloads?


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