[asterisk-users] Investigating international calls fraud

Steven McCann steven.r.mccann at gmail.com
Wed Jan 28 15:03:13 CST 2015


I'm investigating a situation where there was a hundreds of minutes of
calls from an internal SIP extension to an 855 number in Cambodia,
resulting in a crazy ($25,000+) bill from the phone company. I'm
investigating, but can anyone provide some feedback on what's happened
here? I'm investigating how this happened as well as what types of
arrangements can be made with the phone company (CenturyLink in Texas).

Some details:
* PBX is located in Texas
* Phone carrier is CenturyLink
* FreePBX distro running asterisk 1.8.14
* source SIP extension is Mitel 5212, firmware, default admin
password (argh!). Phone is used by many different people.

More PBX setting details:
* inbound SIP traffic is not allowed through the firewall
* internal network is not accessed by many
* FreePBX web interface

*Questions I have at this moment:*
1) how were the calls placed? Was the Mitel SIP phone hacked somehow?
Asterisk PBX?
2) how does this typically get sorted out with the phone company? they are
charging $6.25 per minute for the Texas to Cambodia calls. The phone system
owners are at fault, but how have these situations worked out in the past?

I'll be tightening things up, but any feedback is appreciated.

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