[asterisk-users] SugarAsterisk vs. ________
A J Stiles
asterisk_list at earthshod.co.uk
Thu Jun 19 11:10:48 CDT 2014
On Thursday 19 Jun 2014, thufir wrote:
> http://www.voip-info.org/wiki/view/Asterisk+CRM+Integration
> lists a few options. I'm looking for, literally, the simplest FOSS CRM
> for "click to dial" functionality, but don't know where to start.
> thanks,
> Thufir
The Free version of SugarCRM is no longer officially maintained; but the code
can still be found if you look hard enough, and cannot easily be suppressed
since the GPL lasts as long as copyright. There are also forks based on
earlier Free SugarCRM versions.
Click-to-dial is pretty easy to implement. If you can display a link to a CGI
script, and you have an Apache server running on the Asterisk server, then you
can set up click-to-dial. You should be able to modify the Source Code of
whatever you are using easily enough, so wherever it displays a phone number,
it will linkify it for you. The easiest way probably is just to write a
function to do this. Example in PHP:
function phone_link($tel) {
return "<a class=\"click_to_call\"href=\"
assuming is your Asterisk server and the script is called
make_call .
You will need to have a database somewhere relating the IP addresses of
workstations to their extension numbers (if using DHCP, you need to place a
series of host{} declarations in dhcpd.conf to assign a fixed IP to each
workstation's MAC address -- see man 5 dhcpd.conf) -- the Asterisk server
itself probably is as good a place as any. Then in your CGI script, you
simply look up the IP address of the client ($_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"] in PHP,
$ENV{"REMOTE_ADDR"} in Perl) to find the nearest extension number, and
generate a call file.
In KDE's Kontact application, it is possible to invoke an external command
when clicking on a phone number, and have the number inserted into the
command; this originally was meant to launch the toxic, proprietary, anti-
telecommunications tool Skype, but you could use wget to fire off a request to
the CGI script, like so:
wget -O/dev/null
The following CGI script is not quite complete in itself (it needs the above-
mentioned database relating phone numbers to IP addresses, and a suitable
context in your dialplan in which to make the outgoing call) but should give
you a good starting point to work from:
######################### 8< #########################
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use strict;
use DBI;
my ($web, $input_buffer, $name, $value, %parameters);
my ($ip, $ext, $tel);
my $dbh = DBI->connect("DBI:mysql:database=phones;host=localhost", "root",
my $sth_get_ext = $dbh->prepare("SELECT ext FROM extensions WHERE pc_ip LIKE
foreach (split/&/, $ENV{'QUERY_STRING'}) { # GET items
tr/+/ /;
($name,$value) = split /=/, $_;
$name =~ s/%(..)/pack'c', hex $1/eg;
$value =~ s/%(..)/pack'c', hex $1/eg;
$parameters{"$name"} = "$value";
read STDIN, $input_buffer, $ENV{"CONTENT_LENGTH"}; # POST items
foreach (split/&/, $input_buffer) {
tr/+/ /;
($name,$value) = split /=/, $_;
$name =~ s/%(..)/pack 'c', hex $1/eg;
$value =~ s/%(..)/pack 'c', hex $1/eg;
$parameters{"$name"} = "$value";
print "Content-type: text/plain\n\n";
$tel = $parameters{"tel"} || "";
if ($sth_get_ext->rows) {
($ext) = $sth_get_ext->fetchrow_array;
if ($ext) {
print "Calling from '$ext' to '$tel'.\n";
open CALLFILE, ">/tmp/asterisk_$$.call";
print CALLFILE <<"--STOP--";
Channel: SIP/$ext
Context: autodial
Extension: $tel
Priority: 1
CallerId: $ext
system "mv /tmp/asterisk_$$.call
else {
print "Go away, we don't know who you are.\n";
######################### >8 #########################
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