[asterisk-users] Hold

Matthew Jordan mjordan at digium.com
Wed Jun 11 13:10:30 CDT 2014

On Wed, Jun 11, 2014 at 12:45 PM, jonathan white <jw at uvacity.com> wrote:

> Can you write the unique variable to astdb and then write it back to the
> variable?
> Not sure I have thought this through
> J
> On 11 Jun 2014 18:42, "Kelly Opal" <kelly at ncwcom.com> wrote:
>>   Hi
>>         I am trying to set up a hold system so that a call is always
>> parked in the same spot no matter how many times it is picked up. My
>> problem is I cannot fins a variable the identifies the call all the way
>> through until it is destroyed. ${UNIQUEID} and ${CHANNEL}  both seam to get
>> lost when the call is parked. I tried setting
>>     set($[“${UNIQUEID}-hold”=”701”])
>> and
>>     set($[“${CHANNEL}-hold”=”701”])
>> and both work fine until I do a transfer to park. Then both variables are
>> blank. Is there any variable that is persistent to a call through all of
>> the transfers.
>> asterisk 11.6-cert1
>> centos 5.7
>> Thanks
>> Kelly
You are most likely running into masquerades. A masquerade is an internal
operation in Asterisk that involves renaming a channel. When this occurs,
your AMI client will receive a sequence of Masquerade and Rename events.
Your client will need to update its tracking of the channel based on those

Alternatively, you can move to Asterisk 12. One of the major projects that
was done in that version was to remove the visibility of masquerades from
external systems (and mostly purge them internally), such that channels
have a stable, consistent identifier for the channel throughout its

Matthew Jordan
Digium, Inc. | Engineering Manager
445 Jan Davis Drive NW - Huntsville, AL 35806 - USA
Check us out at: http://digium.com & http://asterisk.org
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