[asterisk-users] Is there a protocol to be used to communicate between different Asterisk Boxes to distribute load and tasks

bilal ghayyad bilmar_gh at yahoo.com
Mon Jul 25 08:31:34 CDT 2011

Really I am thinking in something and I donot know if it can be used or not:

Is it possible to use the Database (to be located in a server) so whenever the agent is login via any server, this will be logged in the database, so all the queues in all the boxes can check with this database  to see if the agent is logged in and if it is available or not.

Is it possible to be like this?

About DUNDi, really I am not able to understand how I can use DUNDi to route the call for the queue that has available agent if no queue has available agent, then to queue in specific queue? I am assuming the queues are existed in more than a box (queue 1 in box 1 and queue 2 in box 2, ... etc).

Really I am in a need for help in this subject.



> > Hi All;
> > 
> > Actually what I am looking into is a method to have
> multiple Asterisk Boxes to be working togethor as one entity
> so a distributing for the load and for the tasks can be
> acheived. 
> > 
> > I need such kind of protocols to be used in a large
> call center is where alot of E1s and alot of agents. 
> > 
> > Examples: 
> > 
> > * So if an agent logged in for Asterisk Box and agent
> logged in for another Asterisk Box, then both agents can be
> treate in one queue? 
> > 
> > * Another example scenario that we might need to use
> some Asterisk boxes to be as IVR, so it will handle the
> calls that are coming via the E1, so if the call now need to
> be transferred for the call center agents and there is no
> available agent in the queue, how can we let the queuing
> happening at the IVR box and when the agent is available,
> then the call to be send for the Agent?
> > 
> > * If the IP Phone of the agent has two extensions, and
> one extension is registered with one Asterisk box at a
> specific queue and another extension is registered with
> another asterisk box with another specific queue, so when
> the call is coming to the agent at the first extension from
> the first asterisk box, then another asterisk box should
> knows that this IP Phone has a call and not to send a call
> for it. Something like this.
> > 
> > So, multiple asterisk boxes to communicate with each
> other, this is required to be able to distribute the load
> and the tasks, HOW?
> > 
> > Any help?
> > Regrads
> > Bilal
> > 
> > --
> You could look into using DUNDi for locating which box an
> extension is
> registered too but you would also have to go realtime with
> your
> dialplans for that. Not sure how well it would apply to
> queues though.
> -- 
> Ishfaq Malik
> Software Developer
> PackNet Ltd
> Office:   0161 660 3062

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