[asterisk-users] 1.8.2: dahdi-2.4: calls dropping

sean darcy seandarcy2 at gmail.com
Tue Jan 18 15:57:34 CST 2011

Here's a call coming in over PSTN to dahdi/4, connected to a local 
extension dahdi/1:

     -- Executing [s at incoming-pstn-line:1] Answer("DAHDI/4-1", "") in 
new stack
     -- Executing [s at incoming-pstn-line:6] Dial("DAHDI/4-1", 
"DAHDI/g0,36") in new stack
     -- Called g0
     -- DAHDI/1-1 is ringing
     -- DAHDI/1-1 is ringing
     -- DAHDI/1-1 answered DAHDI/4-1
     -- Native bridging DAHDI/4-1 and DAHDI/1-1
     -- Hanging up on 'DAHDI/1-1'
     -- Hungup 'DAHDI/1-1'
   == Spawn extension (incoming-pstn-line, s, 6) exited non-zero on 
     -- Hanging up on 'DAHDI/4-1'
     -- Hungup 'DAHDI/4-1'

I'm on dadhi/1. After 10-15 minutes, the call just drops. What gives?


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