[asterisk-users] Recompile Asterisk

LL digium at 9h9.org
Sat Dec 31 04:09:56 CST 2011

Thank you so much Tzafrir, it all make sense to me now.
I'll follow your tips and let you know if it works.


On 12/31/2011 10:03 AM, Tzafrir Cohen wrote:
> On Fri, Dec 30, 2011 at 05:11:45PM +0000, LL wrote:
>> I'm sorry if I gave conflicting information but I didn't setup this
>> specific freepbx/asterisk and I'm not sure if it was compiled from
>> source, probably not, but I'll have to double check it the person
>> that  installed it. I know that I currently running asterisk 1.4.13
>> + FreePBX on  CentOS 5 x64.
>> I need to compile app_mp4 and I've read that I need to compile
>> asterisk from source in order to achieve this, does this make any
>> sense ?
> Maybe. I believe that the headers of Asterisk (installed to
> /usr/include/asterisk ) include anything you need to build an external
> module. Though I wouldn't be completely surprised if those were not
> complete in 1.4.13 .
>> I'm following a tutorial on how to compile app_mp4  at http://web.archive.org/web/20090322060930/http://sip.fontventa.com/content/view/15/44/,
> Furthermore, they instruct you to re-run configure, but then they don't
> really rely on that and manually add the extra libraries to the build
> line. I don't see why you'll need to re-run configure if you already
> have the built source directory.
> Building it independently would be something along the lines of:
>    gcc $CFLAGS -DAST_MODULE="app_mp4" -shared -o app_mp4.so app_mp4.c -lmp4 -lmp4v2
> Where CFLAGS would typically be -O2  and such.
> This should hopefully build you app_mp4.so . Next, make sure it does not
> load automatically until you verified it to work: in modules.conf:
>    unload =>  app_mp4.so
> At this point you may crash Asterisk. So do it in the off-hours or on a
> different instance.
> Try loading it manually in the Asterisk CLI:
>    module load app_mp4.so
> Check if it actually works.
> If all goes well, disable the "unload" entry in modules.conf .

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