[asterisk-users] Using shell script output into phoneprov.conf's custom variables

Olivier oza_4h07 at yahoo.fr
Thu Dec 22 04:53:16 CST 2011

As a workaround, is it possible to use include statements in phoneprov.conf ?

(Once again, I apologie for asking here instead of trying on my own
platform but I do not trust my own capacity to reach a reliable

2011/12/22, Olivier <oza_4h07 at yahoo.fr>:
> Hello,
> I'm looking at phoneprov.conf capabilities for the first time.
> I've seen this:
> setvar => CUSTOM_CONFIG=/var/lib/asterisk/phoneprov/configs/custom.cfg
>  ; Custom variable
> Is it possible to use something like:
> setvar => CUSTOM_CONFIG=$(/bin/date)
> In other words, is it possible to use the output of a shell script as
> a way to set a phoneprov.conf custom variable ?
> (I could test this on my own, but as I'm new to the whole
> phoneprov.conf process which gives many reasons to fail, I prefer to
> ask here).
> Regards

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