[asterisk-users] seeding an originated number in a SIP phone [was: Re: Thunderbird extension using AMI to dial]

Olle E. Johansson oej at edvina.net
Tue Aug 30 02:34:09 CDT 2011

29 aug 2011 kl. 15:05 skrev Kevin P. Fleming:

> On 08/28/2011 01:56 AM, Tzafrir Cohen wrote:
>> On Thu, Aug 25, 2011 at 07:36:53PM +0100, Chris Hastie wrote:
>>> Hi
>>> I've just added direct support for AMI to a forthcoming version of
>>> TBDialOut, a Thunderbird extension for dialling direct from
>>> Thunderbird's address book. If anyone fancies testing it I'd be grateful
>>> for any feedback. If you feel like casting a critical eye over the code,
>>> or doing some translating, even better.
>>> AMI support is available in TBDialOut 1.7.0pre1, which can be found
>>> either at http://www.oak-wood.co.uk/tbdialout/ or from the 'Development
>>> channel' at the bottom of the page at
>>> https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/thunderbird/addon/tbdialout/
>> We already have a dialer script (sent to this list a while ago) so it's
>> good to see that this extension support that simpler option as well (I
>> don't use ThunderBird, as you can see. Some others in the office do use
>> it).
>> One followup question: I originate a call from a SIP phone to some
>> remote number. The problem is that the number will not show up properly
>> in the list of outgoing calls for the phone. Any idea how to fix this
>> (for whatever SIP phone)?
> You aren't originating a call *from* the phone (that would require some sort of API into the phone itself to make it place a call). You are originating a call *to* the phone and also to another endpoint; as far as the SIP phone is concerned, this is an incoming call.
> I've never seen discussion of a desire to provide a method for an incoming call to be treated as if the endpoint had placed the call itself in any of the SIP discussion lists I frequent... so I'm pretty sure there's no standard way to do this.
Oh, there is - REFER.

We could possibly implement sending a REFER request to the phone, something that is frequently used to do call setups from click-to-call apps. This is not something we do support in Asterisk today. I've implemented it using SIP libraries since Asterisk doesn't have to be involved in the REFER.

If you do ORIGINATE from the phone you have to be aware that Asterisk lacks some security framework here. An application that has ORIGINATE access can reach the whole dialplan. I have patches for that which needs to be moved forward. My proposal is to add a default context to manager accounts to put a limitation of destinations they can reach with originate and redirect AMI commands (which where the only ones I could come up with as dangerous in this regard).


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