[asterisk-users] Linksys/Cisco 504G randomly restarts

Cassius Smith cassius at cassius.org
Tue Aug 16 10:13:50 CDT 2011

Agree -- make sure you are at the latest firmware.

ALSO: If you have provisioning enabled, and have a duplicate line in your
xml files, that will cause a reboot.

Cassius Smith

On 8/15/11 1:46 PM, "C F" <shmaltz at gmail.com> wrote:

>I have 3 Linksys/Cisco 504G phones they keep restarting at what seems
>to be random. Sometimes as short as 6 minutes.
>FW version is 7.4.3a
>I have searched and tried disabling FW check and all related settings.
>I also extended all the default 3600 resync checks to a lot longer.

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