[asterisk-users] Persuing the gtalk issue - not only jack-related

Julien Claassen julien at c-lab.de
Wed Jun 2 16:39:39 CDT 2010

Hello Leif!
   The issue about gtalk and jack was originated by me. Yet in those days, the 
problem was of a different nature.
   Still, why do I use these two and no other channel or software? Well I've 
mentioned, that Asterisk is the only commandline phone on Linux I know, that 
supports JACK. And commandline is prerequisite.
   Why googletalk? It's difficult enough to get people to log on to one system 
or to find people to help. I only consider this one. I asked around on this 
list and on LAU, where I've been since 2000 or so. And everywhere else. But 
noone wanted to test it with me. Still googletalk is one of the systems, that 
works globally and can even talk to other jabber systems.
   When I move onto SIP I can mostly only talk to people from my own 
sip-network. And since there are many, the potential crwod I can reach drops.
   Another thing of course was the configuration of SIP. Years ago I tried it 
with freeswitch and failed tragicly. :-(
   I'm a lot into audio and I love my communication, but I'm no phone systems 
geek. That probably stands in my way a bit. Admittedly another thing is, that 
Asterisk is generally built to suite the needs of companies as well as private 
customers. But I have the feeling, that the commercial big part has a 
preference. This sometimes makes even my simple taks s- or perhaps specificly 
my simple tasks - quite complicated enough. :-)
   Kindly yours

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