[asterisk-users] Blind transfer on Queue-CDR

Sriram d_r_sriram at hotmail.com
Sun Sep 13 11:24:02 CDT 2009


I'm having 2 strange problems (or rather I am doing it wrongly!)  ..need
some help.I am working on trixbox 2.6 with Asterisk 1.4.22


1.	I've a Queue with dynamic agents (ampextensions=deviceanduser mode
in amportal.conf), some of agents when they punch in the wrong UserID - they
still get logged onto the Queue as a result many of them complain that they
don't receive calls on their extensions(I can understand as the queue status
shows wrong user-ids)..My thought was that if someone enters an Invalid ID -
Asterisk shouldn't allow them to login at all ..Is there a way out ? As a
temporary measure I m using my own web based login where agents choose their
extension number and agent id and click ok upon which in asterisk's database
- AMPUSER/<agented>/device gets a value of extension while DEVICE/<exten
number>/user gets the agent ID and then I called queueaddagent fuction to
put that agent in the queue - Will this work around run fine ?


2.	On the same setup I use Linksys PAP2 for agent's analog
extensions-but when Agent A transfers a call (arrived from a caller) to
Agent B by pressing flash hook - the CDRs are incorrect .the CDR shows the
destination as A while it's B who did all the talking .My agents are paid on
the basis of duration they talk - so this way A benefits ! Is there a way to
correct this ? I tried using "##" for blind transfers in Trixbox but on
pressing ##  and <callerB's agent ID><#> but nothing happens..i even tried
flash hook from analog phones and then pressing ## and <caller b agent
ID><#> still nothing happens ..Can anyone help ? 


Thanks in advance


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