[asterisk-users] [UOL - Manutenões Desktop] Controlling call duration ...

Mauro Sergio Ferreira Brasil mauro.brasil at tqi.com.br
Wed Sep 2 15:12:59 CDT 2009

Hello there!

The only available way to control call duration is using the RTCC patch 
(discussed here "https://issues.asterisk.org/view.php?id=6335" and 
mainteined here "http://ast.varna.net/") ?
The purpouse is to have a way to monitor (probably on a per-minute 
basis) and hangup costly calls (and/or multiple calls initiated by same 
SIP user).

Thanks and best regards,

*Technology and Quality on Information*
Mauro Sérgio Ferreira Brasil
Coordenador de Projetos e Analista de Sistemas
+ mauro.brasil at tqi.com.br <mailto:@tqi.com.br>
: www.tqi.com.br <http://www.tqi.com.br>
( + 55 (34)3291-1700
( + 55 (34)9971-2572

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