[asterisk-users] MWI for multiple voice mail boxes

Jared Smith jsmith at digium.com
Thu Oct 15 17:29:24 CDT 2009

On Wed, 2009-10-14 at 22:41 -0400, John A. Sullivan III wrote:
> Hello, all.  I have a user who needs to monitor their voice mail box
> and
> the general delivery voice mail box.  I defined them in sip.conf as
> follows:
> [tkeeley](a10f)
> mailbox=612 at a10, 610 at a10 

I think you've got the syntax wrong here... try mailbox=612 at a10&610 at a10
instead.  Contrary to what others on this thread might lead you to
believe, this should actually work. :-)

Jared Smith
Training Manager
Digium, Inc.

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