[asterisk-users] Asterisk crashing

Leif Madsen leif.madsen at asteriskdocs.org
Wed Nov 11 08:39:13 CST 2009

Darrick Hartman wrote:
> Alejandro Recarey wrote:
>> Hello all,
>> I have a pretty much standard installation of an Asterisk with 
>> no PRI cards of any type (full VoIP).
>> Occasionally (it happens every 2 weeks or so), it just stops running. I 
>> was using safe_asterisk but it seems that safe_asterisk did not restart 
>> it. I do have the core dump file at 
>> /tmp/core.myservername-2009-10-20T18:36:20+0200 but it seems it's from 
>> an earlier crash. When I read the file, with nano or tail, it seems like 
>> pure gibberish.
>> Is there any link or tutorial I can read that will help me read / use 
>> core dump files for debugging purposes? This asterisk is under heavy 
>> load, it's a 2x Dual core Xeon at 3GHz and its handling around 210 
>> simultaneous calls at peak hour with no transcoding, mostly SIP, but 
>> some SIP to IAX conversion, and generaly I feel it's performing well.
>> Do you have any tips on maintenance? Should I restart asterisk every 
>> day, or restart the server?
>> Thank you for your help,
> Have you considered upgrading to the latest release in that branch? 
> was released today and addresses a security issue as well as 
> fixes several bugs over the version you're running.

Please note this is NOT true. Per the release announcements for, and, these are both security only fixes and do not contain any bug fixes 
outside of the security fixes; thus and are just + 
security fixes.

We do not release security versions with bug fixes in order to minimize regressions.

The current release candidate is the latest version which contains 
bug fix changes beyond It is a release candidate continuation from was not turned into a full bug fix release ( and since a 
security release was created, the security release became and 
will never be released. As was also a security release, the next bug fix 
release will likely be which is now in release candidate status.

Hope that clears some things up.


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