[asterisk-users] Asterisk crashing

Darrick Hartman dhartman at djhsolutions.com
Wed Nov 4 22:04:40 CST 2009

Alejandro Recarey wrote:
> Hello all,
> I have a pretty much standard installation of an Asterisk with 
> no PRI cards of any type (full VoIP).
> Occasionally (it happens every 2 weeks or so), it just stops running. I 
> was using safe_asterisk but it seems that safe_asterisk did not restart 
> it. I do have the core dump file at 
> /tmp/core.myservername-2009-10-20T18:36:20+0200 but it seems it's from 
> an earlier crash. When I read the file, with nano or tail, it seems like 
> pure gibberish.
> Is there any link or tutorial I can read that will help me read / use 
> core dump files for debugging purposes? This asterisk is under heavy 
> load, it's a 2x Dual core Xeon at 3GHz and its handling around 210 
> simultaneous calls at peak hour with no transcoding, mostly SIP, but 
> some SIP to IAX conversion, and generaly I feel it's performing well.
> Do you have any tips on maintenance? Should I restart asterisk every 
> day, or restart the server?
> Thank you for your help,

Have you considered upgrading to the latest release in that branch? was released today and addresses a security issue as well as 
fixes several bugs over the version you're running.


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