[asterisk-users] safe_asterisk, respawning etc. (was: Re: /etc/asterisk/startup.d)

Philipp Kempgen philipp.kempgen at amooma.de
Sun May 31 13:36:26 CDT 2009

Tzafrir Cohen schrieb:

> How useful are the equivalent safe_asterisk scripts? 

To be honest I still haven't decided if asterisk should be auto-
respawned by something like safe_asterisk or inittab[1] or launchd[2]
or upstart[3] or Service Management Facility[4] or whatever the
various launchers are called or if it should be treated as any other
daemon: i.e. assume they don't crash.
There's no real reason to treat asterisk differently but then again
I haven't seen Apache or MySQL crash very often but I did see some
versions of Asterisk crash more often than it was acceptable.
(Seems to be better now.)

[1] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Inittab
[2] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Launchd
[3] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Upstart
[4] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Service_Management_Facility

    Philipp Kempgen
AMOOMA GmbH - Bachstr. 126 - 56566 Neuwied  ->  http://www.amooma.de
Geschäftsführer: Stefan Wintermeyer, Handelsregister: Neuwied B14998
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