[asterisk-users] RLT Transfers and NI2

Nicolas Chapleau nicchap at hotmail.com
Wed May 27 14:15:50 CDT 2009

Hello Users,


   quick question for all you fine PRI users out there using RLT transfers. Scenario:


1) Inbound call received on channel one

2) Call is transferred to an agent on channel 2

3) RLT is enabled on this PRI, thus channels are released on the Asterisk box


So far, all is fine, but our PRIs have 4 enabled RLT channels, thus after the 5th transfer, while the previous calls are still active, we get a busy (congestion), when we in fact have many PRI channels left. Again, this is a normal opration for RLT. My question to you is: Can we attempt a Bridged transfer instead of a RLT upon reception of a Congestion RLT result? 





libpri 1.4.9

Allstream DS3 muxed out to 28 PRIs, b8zs, esf, NI2 signalling


Hope this makes sense to one of you.


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