[asterisk-users] ...is circuit busy message

Jeff LaCoursiere jeff at jeff.net
Wed May 20 16:16:03 CDT 2009

On Wed, 20 May 2009, John Regal wrote:

> Thanks for the reply and apologize for the double post. My original post
> landed in another thread and thought it may have been missed...
> I questioned my voip provider before posting and they told me they have
> other asterisk customers that are making hundreds of simultaneous calls
> without problems with the same account type that I have. They indicated that
> they do not limit my simultaneous connections. I am now going to have them
> trace my connection but hoped to learn of a possible configuration setting I
> could check first.
> Thanks again for the help.

The message you are hearing is coming from your asterisk server, and it is 
because there was either no response to your call attempt or your call 
attempt weas refused by your VoIP provider.  In the "no response" scenario 
it may be because you are strapped for bandwidth, but if you were THAT 
strapped you would have many additional problems, and the calls that were 
going through would have serious audio problems.

So I would focus on the idea that your VoIP provider is refusing the calls 
that are failing.

You could prove this with a packet trace.  Use wireshark/tcpdump to 
capture your attempts and see if you can find the session that is refused. 
You will either see the refusal come back or the request timed out...

Good luck,


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