[asterisk-users] Fwd: Asterisk With Cisco Voice Router

Timothy Smith timotsmith at gmail.com
Sat May 16 06:46:27 CDT 2009


In our office, we're slowly migrating from a cisco call manager set up
to asterisk. Problem is management doesn't want to buy any other
hardware  as they had already invested a lot in cisco. The main cause
of this is asterisk's added features like unique FAX number for
everyone in the company (which will be the same as phone DID), Voice
mail, Auto Answer etc yet we need thousands of dollars to add those to
our cisco call manager 4.1 set up.

I have added the 3845 router as my SIP gateway (on asterisk,
and also a dialpeer to forward on the router to forward calls to my
asterisk. It works properly but the problem is there is NO AUDIO! I
have tried to change codec but no sucess!

Has anyone had the above set up working successfully? Attached are some confs.

Thanks a lot for your assistance.

Kind Regards,
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cs-intranet*CLI> sip show peers
Name/username              Host            Dyn Nat ACL Port     Status
103                              5060     OK (3 ms)
102                              5060     OK (3 ms)
101                             5060     OK (1 ms)
100/100               D   N      32544    Unmonitored
4 sip peers [Monitored: 3 online, 0 offline Unmonitored: 1 online, 0 offline]

; 102 and 103 are cisco routers, 101 is the call manager, 100 is a SIP phone
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