[asterisk-users] Building a System.

Alan Lord (News) alanslists at gmail.com
Mon May 11 03:52:28 CDT 2009

On 11/05/09 04:21, John F. Ervin wrote:
<snip />
> Are there (??) instructions for people who are experienced at the
> Trixbox level but wish to move on?

Sure, the TFOT book is a great start. If you want to use Ubuntu or 
Debian rather than Centos then Asterisk is in the Debian and Ubuntu 
Server Repositories.

	# sudo apt-get install asterisk
	# sudo m-a -f get zaptel-source
	# sudo ECHO_CAN_NAME=OSLEC m-a -t a-i zaptel

(The last command might not be needed any more as I believe OSLEC is now 
the default EC)

Should do most of it.

I written a few blog articles on Asterisk (building from scratch and 
installing on Ubuntu etc. Including Zaptel and OSLEC for the x100p)

Here's one for getting it running on Ubuntu server: 

And here's all of them: http://www.theopensourcerer.com/tag/asterisk/

There are, of course, many more guides and advice out there too. Google 
is your friend as it the extremely useful http://www.voip-info.org/ wiki..



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