[asterisk-users] Asterisk and 4G

Gordon Henderson gordon+asterisk at drogon.net
Fri May 1 02:58:12 CDT 2009

On Thu, 30 Apr 2009, Dave Walker wrote:

>       > Hello, I've started to do some research into the new 4G wireless
>       > standard, and there's one part of the standard that intrigues me.
>       > Apparently all data is packet based, including the phone calls. Every
>       > phone will have its own IPv6 address. This seems to pave the way for
>       > a call to go directly from a cell phone to a soft PBX like Asterisk.
>       Gosh. Telcos allowing their nice data network to let you connect your
>       shiny new phone to a voice network that they don't control (or bill
>       for)... Somehow I don't think that'll happen, but I'm happy to be proven
>       wrong!
> I don't think the carriers care if you carrying voice or data.   Think of it..   You can't
> offer wireless service without paying for the wireless licenses (which means their deep pocket
> monopolies are still left intact and the government still gets their cut).  If all they must
> do is move packet data from your phone to the internet (whatever connection happens to be
> cheapest and closest) without having to get involved with mundane tasks like call setup and
> per-minute billing then why not?

Becaue they're greedy and don't really understand what they've got, so 
they just block it. From my O2 Terms & condtions:

   All usage must be for your private, personal and non-commercial
   purposes. You may not use your SIM Card:

    1. in, or connected to, any other device including modems;
    2. to allow the continuous streaming of any audio / video content,
       enable Voice over Internet (Voip), P2P or file sharing; or
    3. in such a way that adversely impacts the service to other O2

Now, I have a Nokia E90. A phone with a good web browser, google maps, 
it's own GPS & navigation s/w, so I can and do use it to download 
shed-loads of data. I also have an "unlimited" data tarrif, but they won't 
tell me what the AUP is on the data.

So if I were to download fring, etc. then I'd be breaking their rules.

And note the non-commercial bit too...  I use my phone for my business. 

Oh, my phone and the network also supports video calling... Where does 
that fit in?

> My capitalistic mind sees a future where carriers charge for two classes 
> of data with two QOS levels.  They will make the same amount of money by 
> lowering costs and charging more for the priority data.

My own thinking is that they've put in just enough infrstructure to 
support the few people using 3G and nothing more, so if one or 2 start to 
do streaming, p2p, etc. then it really will have an impact, so they'll 
block it.

And what annoys me is that I can't even get 3G on O2 where I live. It's 
GSM or GPRS. Friend of mine 20 miles away gets 4Mb/sec and didn't even 
bother with a landline or broadband service!


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