[asterisk-users] MixMonitor + Originate

Geraint Lee geraint at gmail.com
Thu Sep 4 07:10:43 CDT 2008

Hi everyone,

I'm trying to get calls to record with the following setup:
Using phpagi originate is called from a web application:
$asm->originate("Local/" . $row['extension'] . "@sip-standard",
$row['phone_number'], "sip-standard", "1", "", "", "7000");

The agent being called is extension Local/101 at sip-standard and the number
originated for the agent is 100 at sip-standard.

MixMonitor records fine up until 100 answers then the recording stops, but
the CLI output suggests that the call is still being recorded...

extensions.conf and CLI output below...

Anyone have any ideas?

exten => 100,1,MixMonitor(test.wav)
exten => 100,2,Dial(SIP/${EXTEN})

exten => _1XX,1,Dial(SIP/${EXTEN})

Output from CLI:
  == Manager 'amis' logged on from
    -- Executing [101 at sip-standard:1] Dial("Local/101 at sip-standard-eeef,2",
"SIP/101") in new stack
    -- Called 101
    -- SIP/101-096f7ff8 is ringing
    -- SIP/101-096f7ff8 answered Local/101 at sip-standard-eeef,2
    -- Executing [100 at sip-standard:1]
MixMonitor("Local/101 at sip-standard-eeef,1", "test.wav") in new stack
  == Begin MixMonitor Recording Local/101 at sip-standard-eeef,1
    -- Executing [100 at sip-standard:2] Dial("Local/101 at sip-standard-eeef,1",
"SIP/100") in new stack
    -- Called 100
    -- Local/101 at sip-standard-eeef,1 requested special control 20, passing
it to SIP/100-09706218
  == Manager 'amis' logged off from
  == Spawn extension (sip-standard, 101, 1) exited non-zero on
'Local/101 at sip-standard-eeef,2'
    -- SIP/100-09706218 is ringing
    -- SIP/100-09706218 answered SIP/101-096f7ff8
  == Spawn extension (sip-standard, 100, 3) exited non-zero on
  == End MixMonitor Recording Local/101 at sip-standard-eeef,1


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