<div dir="ltr">Hi everyone,<br><br>I'm trying to get calls to record with the following setup:<br>Using phpagi originate is called from a web application:<br>$asm->originate("Local/" . $row['extension'] . "@sip-standard", $row['phone_number'], "sip-standard", "1", "", "", "7000");<br>
<br>The agent being called is extension Local/101@sip-standard and the number originated for the agent is 100@sip-standard.<br><br>MixMonitor records fine up until 100 answers then the recording stops, but the CLI output suggests that the call is still being recorded...<br>
<br>extensions.conf and CLI output below...<br><br>Anyone have any ideas?<br><br><br>extensions.conf:<br>exten => 100,1,MixMonitor(test.wav)<br>exten => 100,2,Dial(SIP/${EXTEN})<br><br>exten => _1XX,1,Dial(SIP/${EXTEN})<br>
<br>Output from CLI:<br> == Manager 'amis' logged on from <a href=""></a><br> -- Executing [101@sip-standard:1] Dial("Local/101@sip-standard-eeef,2", "SIP/101") in new stack<br>
-- Called 101<br> -- SIP/101-096f7ff8 is ringing<br> -- SIP/101-096f7ff8 answered Local/101@sip-standard-eeef,2<br> -- Executing [100@sip-standard:1] MixMonitor("Local/101@sip-standard-eeef,1", "test.wav") in new stack<br>
== Begin MixMonitor Recording Local/101@sip-standard-eeef,1<br> -- Executing [100@sip-standard:2] Dial("Local/101@sip-standard-eeef,1", "SIP/100") in new stack<br> -- Called 100<br> -- Local/101@sip-standard-eeef,1 requested special control 20, passing it to SIP/100-09706218<br>
== Manager 'amis' logged off from <a href=""></a><br> == Spawn extension (sip-standard, 101, 1) exited non-zero on 'Local/101@sip-standard-eeef,2'<br> -- SIP/100-09706218 is ringing<br>
-- SIP/100-09706218 answered SIP/101-096f7ff8<br> == Spawn extension (sip-standard, 100, 3) exited non-zero on 'SIP/101-096f7ff8'<br> == End MixMonitor Recording Local/101@sip-standard-eeef,1<br><br>Cheers<br>