[asterisk-users] Need help with voicemail odbc

mark morreny markmorreny at gmail.com
Fri Mar 28 01:54:12 CDT 2008

Dear all,

I am still not able to store voicemail into mysql and I am hoping someone
can help me out.

Here is my voicemail.cof:

format = wav
attach = yes
; Syntax for new entries looks like this:
; MailboxNumber => password,name,e-mail,pager,options
; (usually, the MailboxNumber is the same as the Extension)
2000 => 1234,Dave Robinson,outraspace at hotmail.com
2001 => 1234,Colleen Robinson,petedao at gmail.com
2002 => 1234,Matthew Robinson,outraspace at hotmail.com
2003 => 1234,Lisa Robinson,petedao at gmail.com,,delete=yes

Here is my res_odbc.conf
INFORMIXSERVER => my_special_database
INFORMIXDIR => /opt/informix

; All other sections are arbitrary names for database connections.
enabled => yes
dsn => asterisk
username => ast
password => sqlpass
pooling =>no
limit => o
pre-connect => yes

There is no error coming out of asterisk.  Can anyone please tell me what
could be the problem?

Thanks alot for all your help.

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