Dear all,<br><br>I am still not able to store voicemail into mysql and I am hoping someone can help me out. <br><br>Here is my voicemail.cof:<br><br>[general]<br>format = wav<br>attach = yes<br>dbuser=ast<br>dbpass=sqlpass<br>
dbhost=localhost<br>dbname=asterisk<br>odbcstorage=asterisk<br>odbctable=voicemessages<br>[default]<br>; Syntax for new entries looks like this:<br>; MailboxNumber => password,name,e-mail,pager,options<br>; (usually, the MailboxNumber is the same as the Extension)<br>
2000 => 1234,Dave Robinson,<a href=""></a><br>2001 => 1234,Colleen Robinson,<a href=""></a><br>2002 => 1234,Matthew Robinson,<a href=""></a><br>
2003 => 1234,Lisa Robinson,<a href=""></a>,,delete=yes<br><br>Here is my res_odbc.conf<br>[ENV]<br>INFORMIXSERVER => my_special_database<br>INFORMIXDIR => /opt/informix<br>
<br>; All other sections are arbitrary names for database connections.<br>[asterisk]<br>enabled => yes<br>dsn => asterisk<br>username => ast<br>password => sqlpass<br>pooling =>no<br>limit => o<br>pre-connect => yes<br>
<br>There is no error coming out of asterisk. Can anyone please tell me what could be the problem?<br><br>Thanks alot for all your help.<br><br>Mark<br><br><br>