[asterisk-users] Incoming

Artie Gold agold at f4winc.com
Fri Jul 11 09:17:37 CDT 2008


This is my first post, so please let me know if I transgress in any way...

In updating to 1.4.21 recently, we've encountered a problem, when running
over a satellite connection (where the latency is considerable; a "regular"
internet connection did not exhibit this problem), where incoming calls are
being dropped as a result of the sip handshake timing out (dropping down to solved the problem for us). From reading the change logs and other
posts, it seems that some work has been done in this area recently to get it
"right"; it appears that, at least in the satellite case, things may have
gotten a little too "tight"...

If this rings a bell for anyone, any insight would be appreciated.

Many thanks,

Artie Gold
F4W, Inc.
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