Folks:<br><br>This is my first post, so please let me know if I transgress in any way...<br><br>In updating to 1.4.21 recently, we've encountered a problem, when running over a satellite connection (where the latency is considerable; a "regular" internet connection did not exhibit this problem), where incoming calls are being dropped as a result of the sip handshake timing out (dropping down to <a href=""></a> solved the problem for us). From reading the change logs and other posts, it seems that some work has been done in this area recently to get it "right"; it appears that, at least in the satellite case, things may have gotten a little too "tight"...<br>
<br>If this rings a bell for anyone, any insight would be appreciated.<br><br>Many thanks,<br>--ag<br clear="all"><br>-- <br>Artie Gold<br>F4W, Inc.