[asterisk-users] DTMF on iax channel is not interpreted by asterisk

Florian Hackenberger f.hackenberger at chello.at
Tue Jul 8 09:23:05 CDT 2008

On Tuesday 08 July 2008, Matt Riddell wrote:
> Maybe the feature digit timeout?
Thank you for your suggestion, but I think that's not the problem, 
because the following line shows up in the second trace:
ast_feature_interpret: Feature interpret: chan=IAX2/6001-2, 
peer=SIP/6002-08383a78, sense=2, features=2 dynamic=(null), code=*

and that is immediately after the first key (*) was pressed. This line 
does not show up in the first log trace.

Any other ideas?


DI Florian Hackenberger
florian at hackenberger.at

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