[asterisk-users] bug in 1.2.24

Anton Krall akrall-lists at intruder.com.mx
Tue Sep 11 14:17:30 CDT 2007

GUys.. I dont know if this is a known bug or not but I just tested and
replicated this one over and over again.

It involves call transfer from calls that entered the pbx via a queue.. say
a call comes in and its thrown in a queue, somebody answers the call but
then wants to transfer the call to somebody else outside the queue, of
course... the bug comes in here.. Im using mixmonitor to record calls and
when this scenario happens, the recording of the call coming in is OK, the
call when in the queue and taking to the agent is OK, but then, when the
agent transfers the call using attended transfer, mixmonitor stops
recording... this doesn't happen if the call is transfer using BLIND
transfer, just when using ATTENDED.

Anybody seen this? Any bug fix or patch for 1.2.24 for this?

Thx guys

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