[asterisk-users] Cascading queues & calls not joining unavailable queues.

Sander Smeenk ssmeenk at freshdot.net
Fri Sep 7 02:07:07 CDT 2007

Quoting Mark Michelson (mmichelson at digium.com):

> > | app_queue.c: No one is answering queue '511' (7/2/0)
> Have you added additional queue members besides the ones you specified 
> in queues.conf?

Yes. There's a number of dynamic members that logged in to the group by
means of dialing extension '*511' which will call AddQueueMember()
through the dialplan.

But those members were all set to DND or were otherwise engaged at the
time i got the logging information i sent in my original post.

I tried again with a new queue, same config, but *only* the two members
specified as member => and i got this:

-- Called SCCP/231
-- Called SCCP/220
-- SCCP/220-0000009b is busy
-- SCCP/231-0000009a is busy
-- Called SCCP/231
-- Called SCCP/220
-- SCCP/220-0000009d is busy
-- SCCP/231-0000009c is busy
-- Stopped music on hold on SIP/
-- Playing 'queue-youarenext' (language 'nl')
-- Told SIP/ in test1 their queue position (which was 1)
-- Playing 'queue-thankyou' (language 'nl')
-- Started music on hold, class 'default', on SIP/
-- Called SCCP/231
-- Called SCCP/220
-- SCCP/220-0000009f is busy
-- SCCP/231-0000009e is busy

I'd like asterisk to quit trying when all agents are busy, but i don't
think it's possible without scripting it yourself with some AGI-script
that checks 'show queues' output.

Any ideas?

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