[asterisk-users] Current radius patches

Natambu Obleton nobleton at fasttrackcomm.net
Mon Jul 17 08:03:26 MST 2006

I would like to setup asterisk with Realtime and radius authentication, but
the radius patches are either outdated ( they support a version of asterisk
before realtime was mature ) or they don't patch right.


I tried this, but the version it is for is really old.

PortaOne Radius auth - voip-info.org



I tried this here.

0005424: [branch] SIP peer authentication on an external database (RADIUS -
LDAP) - Mantis




But those patches seem to line up with a Revision 36170, which isn't in the
SVN server. So before I be dumb and just apply the patches by hand. Anyone
know where I can get current patches for radius authentication for asterisk
1.2.x? Thanks.

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