SPAM-LOW: Re: [asterisk-users] .Call files do not seem to wo rk

Lee lee at
Tue Dec 19 22:56:01 MST 2006

Colin Anderson wrote:
> The only other thing that comes to mind is that .call files are very
> sensitive to whitespace; you may have unintentially padded the .call file
> with whitespace or tabs that it does not like. 
> The attached .call file works on my 1.0.9 server. Maybe it can give you some
> insight. 

Looking at your file, there are tabs between the pairname/separator and 
the actual value.  The example on the wiki didn't see to use tabs and I 
guess that was it because it's working now...kinda.

Good eye and thanks to everyone else of the help.


Warm Regards,


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